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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wireless Settings in Linux - Kubuntu

If you have difficulty in setting up wireless network in Kubuntu (also in Ubuntu), you can find the following link very helpful.

The following is example of my wireless network configuration:
  1. Hidden SSID
  2. Using WPA2-PSK and AES
  3. Running DHCP Server

First, you need to find out which interface supports wireless:
$> sudo iwconfig

Second, you need to modify:
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

The following is example of my /etc/network/interfaces entry:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
wpa-driver wext
wpa-ssid "hidden_essid"
wpa-ap-scan 2
wpa-proto RSN
wpa-pairwise CCMP
wpa-group CCMP
wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
wpa-psk "your_hex_key"

  • eth1 is my wireless interface
  • "you_hex_key" can be found by issuing the following command:
$> wpa_passphrase "hidden_essid" "your_ascii_key"
  • For more information click this link

NOTE: you may need to reboot for it to work.

That's it. Hope it helps to solve your problem.